
LPCVDreferstoathermalprocessusedtodepositthinfilmsfromgas-phaseprecursorsatsubatmosphericpressures.,Alowpressurechemicalvapourdeposition(LPCVD)reactorwastransformedintoaninductivelycoupledplasmalikeplasmaenhancedchemicalvapourdeposition ...,TheLPCVDSiliconNitridefurnaceisalowpressureCVDfurnacewitha40”flatzonecapableofprocessingupto6”diameterwafers.Processgasesusedare ...,LPCVDnitridecaneasilyb...


LPCVD refers to a thermal process used to deposit thin films from gas-phase precursors at subatmospheric pressures.

LPCVD deposition of silicon nitride assisted by high density plasmas

A low pressure chemical vapour deposition (LPCVD) reactor was transformed into an inductively coupled plasma like plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition ...

LPCVD Nitride - B4

The LPCVD Silicon Nitride furnace is a low pressure CVD furnace with a 40” flat zone capable of processing up to 6” diameter wafers. Process gases used are ...

LPCVD Nitride Si3N4

LPCVD nitride can easily be deposited in a reproducible, very pure and uniform way. This leads to layers with good electric features, very good coverage of ...

Optimization of LPCVD silicon nitride deposition process by use of ...

A low-pressure chemical-vapor-deposition (LPCVD) nitride process that was characterized for film uniformity and particle density is described.

Silicon Nitride Deposition Stoichiometric LPCVD & PECVD

A Low-Stress Silicon Nitride is a blend of Si(x)N(y) compounds chosen to match the Silicon wafer lattice and therefore lower the residual stress to below 200MPa ...

The Effect of LPCVD Silicon Nitride Deposition on the Si

Low-pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) is a reliable, mature technology widely used in the microelectronics field to pro- duce nearly stoichiometric ...

[PDF] LPCVD silicon

Thin films of silicon nitride, SixNy , are of special interest for microsystem technology, e.g., as a construction material in micromechanical sensors1 or in x- ...

[PDF] 水平爐管個別原理

應力(dyne/cm2) >1010(拉伸) +2x109~-5x109. LPCVD Nitride 薄膜獨特的特性,就是高達1010dyne/cm2 以上的拉伸應. 力(Tensile Stress),其薄膜厚度不宜超過一定範圍,以免發生 ...